Ice, Ice, Baby: Use Ice Therapy for Your Best Recovery

Surgery takes a toll on your body. You’ll often need weeks or longer to recover. Ice therapy can help. This isn’t as simple as applying a cold pack or bag of frozen peas to the spot, either. Ice therapy offered by Massage Bliss and Cryo is the better option. Use their portable ice machine and experience the best recovery possible.

Ice, Ice, Baby: Use Ice Therapy for Your Best Recovery

Industrial Strength Compressive Cold Therapy

Cold therapy has long been proclaimed as a method for quick recovery when it comes to healing. It can decrease your swelling and ease some of the discomfort you’re feeling in the area. An industrial strength option is going to, of course, be stronger than any type of ice pack or method you can apply at home. The industrial strength compressive cold therapy Massage Bliss and Cryo uses involves the Kineticold Ice Machine. Orthopedic surgeons designed it to help patients at home. The portable machine circulates ice water while simultaneously applying pressure. Various cycle lengths and adjustable compression ensure every individual can get the precise care they need.

Rental and Purchase

You have two options for this machine. You can either rent it from the facility, or purchase one to keep for future use. A rental requires a 3-day minimum for use. This is actually ideal because your body will most likely need a few days to get accustomed to the therapy and see adequate results.

Tips to Make Ice Therapy Work for You

Ice therapy won’t work if you aren’t following the proper procedures. Listen to the spa specialist when you’re instructed on how to use it and for how long. Some injuries may require longer sessions while others need a shorter timeframe. You need to follow the instructions carefully so you can make the most of the machine without overdoing it.

Sometimes, you need extra help with your recovery process. Renting an ice therapy machine may work wonders towards getting you healed and back on your feet. Contact Massage Bliss and Cryo today to discuss your need for the Kineticold. Your body will thank you.

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